Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 5:38 PM

People Tags

In Connection Card Pro you can create an unlimited number of Tags. Tags can be applied to anyone in your database for easy grouping and organization. Tags, Status Tags, Custom Tags, Flags and Fundraiser tags add extra sortable attributes and information to your people to help when searching, or tracking associations. Create tags that will be helpful to you and your organization for sorting, generating reports, etc. such as create a tag for those graduating in the next year, or create a tag for a Project and tag all those in charge or helping with that project, etc. The tag attributes you can add for sorting/filtering here are unlimited!

For Financial Tags please go to Accounting > Financial Settings > Tags.

Creating People Tags

From the menu:
People > People Settings > Tags

To add tags to a person, go to your Person list (People > View People) and to the right of that persons row click on the menu drop-down icon and select Edit Status/Tags. Click on the tag line in the pop up box to select option(s) from the drop-down menu and Save.

To add the same Tag to a group of people, go to your Person list (People > View People), click on each name to highlight it, the scroll down to the bottom Batch Action and select “Add Tags“ from the drop-down menu, click "Go", then choose from the next drop-down menu the tag(s) to apply. Make sure the same tags apply to all the people you have selected here.

To see a group of those with a certain tag in your person list, use the Tag filter at the top of the person list to view all those with a specific tag.  To print this list right click your mouse and select Print.

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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