Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Sep 13, 2023 4:51 PM

Creating a Survey

Connection Card Pro’s Surveys are a great way for you to collect information online, such as a youth survey to find out what games and snacks your youth like. Collected data is viewed collectively when creating a survey.

Survey results are automatically tabulated and shown in easy-to-read graphs and tables.

Your Survey can be shared with a custom link in an email, QR code, text keyword, or widget for your website. Surveys are great for gathering information. 

Difference between Form and Survey

A Form will show individual responses along with a breakdown of any sortable data that will be automatically tabulated for you. Forms are good for any type of Sign-Up.

A Survey will automatically tabulate the responses for you and show the results as a whole, rather than individual responses. Surveys are good for finding likes/dislikes, gathering information, etc.

To Begin Creating a Survey

From the menu:
Forms > New Forms

Step 1: Select “Survey’ for how you would like results displayed.

Step 2: Build your Survey in this next step.

“Add Page” to add your 1st page to your survey.

Add Section: Type in a Section Header (such as what is the purpose of this survey?) And click Done.

Add Field: Fields will be where your survey questions are inputted and how you would like the response to show.

Select Save when you are done building your survey.

Below is a sample survey to find out everyone’s favorite Ice Cream and Gelato for a group:

See our Video Tutorial below for more information and help!

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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